Thank you to those clients who have made enquiries re the publication date of One Jump Ahead during the last few days. OJA is due to go to the printers at the end of this week and, once everything is finalised with page numbers etc, the book will be signed off and published within the next seven to ten days. Once I have a definite date, I will put it on here.
The response has been superb and clients are clearly counting down the days until the National Hunt season clicks into gear during the Autumn. I am adding the final touches over the next couple of days, plus proof reading. One well known bloodstock agent informed me on Sunday evening about a dual bumper winner who has been bought privately to join of Ireland's biggest yards. It is exciting times and I am trying to get the best information for clients.
If you haven't already ordered a copy of One Jump Ahead or the Updates, please head to the Publications section of the site.
Mark Howard Publications Ltd.
69 Fairgarth Drive
Kirkby Lonsdale
015242 71826
015242 79010