I have decided, after weeks of wondering what to do for the best, to publish Ahead On The Flat. The printer received the book on Monday and I am hoping it will be ready in around ten days time. Due to the lockdown, my printer isn't operating on full cylinders which may mean it takes a few days longer than usual to produce. I will therefore be sending out full details to previous clients either via email or in the form of a letter, as in previous years. It will be possible to order via my website later in the week - please keep checking the Publications section over the next couple of days.
As readers will be aware, there hasn't been any racing in the UK since the 17th March. The lockdown is due to be reviewed on the 7th May and, while it may seem optimistic to think we may be back in action the following week, it is hoped it won't be long before we are. It would appear France will restart on the 11th May and Ireland fairly soon afterwards. I contacted one high profile trainer over the weekend and he informed me that the BHA have reportedly got everything in place to resume but it all depends on the Government. Boris Johnson was back at the helm on Monday morning and he seems keen to maintain the lockdown for now, but it is hoped some sport may be allowed to take place. We certainly need something to look forward to. At this rate, my hair is going to resemble the likes of Kevin Keegan, Terry McDermott or Graeme Souness's in the 1970's, by the time I see the outside world again.
Time will tell whether I have made the right decision re publishing Ahead On The Flat but there is some tremendous information in there and I don't want it to go to waste. The Ballydoyle Juveniles section could be particularly interesting to readers, especially if we are starved of action in the UK in the coming weeks. Last year's feature included dual Group 2 winner Arizona and Armory and I have extended the article to 38 impeccably bred two year olds trained by Aidan O'Brien in 2020 - all 38 are named, too.
All the details on that, plus everything else in AOTF will be included in the Publications section. Once I have got a proof back from the printer, I will be able to send a copy through to my webdesigner and then he will be able to update the site. Thank you for your patience.
Mark Howard Publications Ltd.
69 Fairgarth Drive
Kirkby Lonsdale
015242 71826
015242 79010